Kursangebote >> Kursbereiche >> Sprachen >> Englisch >> Konversationskurse Niveau A2 - B2
Martti Zeyer

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SPRACHENBERATUNG für alle neuen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer

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Anmeldung möglich Update your English! Niveau B1

( ab Mo., 5.2., 19.45 Uhr )

With the main focus on conversation but also including aspects of grammar as well as reading comprehension, this course offers the participant the opportunity to improve their English in a relaxed environment.
Drawing from current news and general interest topics, this course helps expand the learner’s knowledge and confidence to speak in a variety of situations. Be it work, travel or socialising, with conversation training the learner has a solid understanding of the language and learns to communicate with easy in English.

fast ausgebucht Aktiv im Alter: Conversation Niveau B1

( ab Mi., 14.2., 10.45 Uhr )

This is a course for all those who enjoy practicing and improving their English for real-life situations. We talk about the daily news and use a large variety of texts from newspapers, magazines, etc. as well as short stories. Grammar and vocabulary will be brushed up.

auf Warteliste Aktiv im Alter: Conversation Niveau B2

( ab Mi., 14.2., 9.00 Uhr )

This is a course for all those who enjoy practicing and improving their English for real-life situations. We talk about the daily news and use a large variety of texts from newspapers, magazines, etc. as well as short stories. Grammar and vocabulary will be brushed up.

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Volkshochschule Dormagen

Langemarkstraße 1 - 3
41539 Dormagen

Tel.: 02133/257-238
Fax: 02133/257-241
E-Mail: info-vhs@stadt-dormagen.de

Öffnungszeiten der Volkshochschule

Montag bis Mittwoch:    
8.30 bis 12.00 Uhr, 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr
14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
8.30 bis 12.00 Uhr

Beratungszeiten Büro für VHS-Deutschkurse

Montag: Nur mit Termin! 
Dienstag - Mittwoch
8.30 bis 12.00 Uhr
13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr

E-Mail deutsch@stadt-dormagen.de

Dormagen: Mittendrin im Leben